Struggling asset markets mean they build up a smaller pension pot; low bond yields mean the annuity income from that pot is lower. 挣扎的资产市场意味着他们建立的养老金规模较小,债券收益较低意味着该规模的养老金保险收入更低。
Annual Pension Claim Form To buy or to take out on annuity. 按年申领退休金/抚恤金表格购买养老金或领取年退休金。
With the aging tide coming and serious problems of the pension gap, the reforming objective of Chinese annuity institution is constructing multi-layer insurance system, which including the occupational pension system. 面对人口老龄化趋势和养老金缺口,我国养老保险制度改革的目标是建立包含企业年金在内的多层次的养老保险体系。
Private pension ( abroad has become superannuation, occupational pension. Enterprise Annuity, and so on.) 企业年金(在国外又成为超级年金、职业年金、私人养老金计划,等等。)
The paper thus suggests that the coverage of pension should be expanded, the general funds and individual accounts should be established and regulated, and also supplementary pension plans like enterprise annuity should be participated so as to solve the said problems effectively and avoid pension risks. 据此,建议采取扩大养老保险覆盖范围、分别征集和管理统筹基金和个人帐户、鼓励开办企业年金等补充养老计划等措施,以有效解决问题并防范养老金风险。
Under the pressure of finance and aging population, many countries reform their old endowment insurance system. The new system is composed of three parts: social primary pension, enterprise annuity and personal saving pension. 在财政困难和人口老龄化的压力下,许多国家建立了三支柱的养老保险制度,即以基本养老保险、企业年金和个人储蓄性养老保险为支柱的保险制度。
The focus of the construction of China's pension insurance system is to vigorously develop the corporate annuity system and establish a 3-pillar social security system composed of basic social pension insurance, corporate annuity and indi-vidual savings. 大力发展企业年金制度,建立以社会基本养老保险、企业年金和个人储蓄为三支柱的养老保障体系,是我国今后一段时间内养老保险制度建设的重点。
In this paper, we present a European call option on pension annuity, which gives the holder of the contract the opportunity to buy a pension annuity benefit for a given ( strike) price at age of retirement or any other age. 本文引入一种基于退休年金的欧式看涨期权,它赋予合约持有者在退休年龄或其它年龄以某一约定的价格(执行价格)购买一份退休年金受益的机会。
According to the condition of having no specific provision about the mid-person's transitional pension under the individual account in China, we derive the actuarial model of transitional pension benefit using the life annuity theory. 针对中国目前关于个人账户中‘中人’的过渡性养老金给付不规范的现状,利用保险精算学中生存年金理论得到过渡性养老金给付的精算模型。
As an important pillar of the modern multiple-pillar pension system, corporate annuity plays a key role in sustainability of the social security system and improvement of the enterprise's operational mechanism. 企业年金作为现代多支柱养老体系的一个重要支柱,无论对养老保障制度可持续发展还是对企业经营机制改善都有重要作用。
This system can only be improved and developed by reducing replacement ratio of basic pension insurance, promulgating and implementing preferential taxation policies, interfacing corporate annuity funds with the capital market, and completing the relevant legal system. 只有通过降低基本养老保险替代率,制定和实施税收优惠政策,实现企业年金与资本市场的对接,制定健全的法律法规,才能促进企业年金制度的完善和发展。
Setting up corporation pension plan is the trend of reform of social insurance system of China, the corporations must ameliorate the annuity system and commerce insurance should do the complementary function. 企业年金计划是我国社会保障制度改革的方向,企业应积极完善年金制度,并可考虑由商业保险承担起发展补充保险的重任。
The social pension system in China is composed of state pension, enterprise annuity and personal savings. 我国社会养老保险由国家基本养老保险、企业年金和个人储蓄养老三个支柱组成。
Enterprise annuity industry competition has become increasingly intense. As a core business of pension annuity companies need to combination of their own conditions in order to develop viable business strategy in the fierce competition to get a place. 企业年金行业竞争日趋激烈,而作为主营企业年金业务的专业养老金公司需结合自身情况制定可行的经营策略才能在激烈的竞争中获得一席之地。
As the second pillar of the pension system, enterprise annuity has achieved rapid development in China in recent years. 企业年金作为养老体系的第二支柱,近几年在我国得到了快速发展。
The fifth Chapter summarized the body of foreign enterprises in depth the successful implementation of the experience of pension plans, in particular the successful experience of the American and English Enterprise annuity, and then extracted the reference value of the experience of enlightenment. 第五章深入总结了国外企业年金计划成功实施的经验,特别是美国和英国企业年金的成功经验,进而提炼出具有参考意义的经验启示。
Protection of the worker pension rights is the core value of the appeal of national pension system generally, and takes it for granted, which becomes the target of building enterprise annuity system in our China. 保护职工年金权益是各国年金制度普遍的也是最核心的价值诉求,其也应该成为我国构建企业年金制度的目标和方向。
For more than a decade of exploration and reform, China has established three-pillar pension system model, which is basic pension, enterprise supplementary pension ( i.e. enterprise annuity) and personal savings. 20世纪90年代以来,中国对养老制度进行改革,经过十几年的探索,中国已经建立起基本养老保险、企业补充养老保险(又称企业年金)和个人储蓄性养老保险三支柱的养老保险制度。
Papers from the perspective of static and dynamic calculations of the future costs of pension annuity business, as well as ways of funding given to promote development of commercial annuity. 论文从静态与动态的角度测算了未来商业年金的养老成本以及资金筹措的途径,给出了推动商业年金发展的建议。
Based on the re-designed corporate pension system, based on the enterprise annuity companies function of positioning, designed by the enterprise employees and pay standards, employee base pay, seniority and performance parameters as the insured, the additional supplementary corporate pension incentives. 本文在重新设计企业年金制度时,基于公司对企业年金功能的定位,分别设计了员工和企业的缴费标准,将员工缴费基数、工龄和绩效设为投保参数,增设补充性的企业年金奖励。
People pay more attention to enterprise annuity. As the main part of many levels of pension insurance, enterprise annuity is the supplementary of basic pension insurance program. 人们对企业年金的关注程度越来越高,企业年金作为多层次养老保险制度的重要组成部分,是基本养老保险计划的补充和辅助。
Population aging and the challenges of aging, which make that old-age insurance system in the world is facing financial crisis and began to establish a public pension based, annuity and personal savings as supplemented by multi-pillar old-age insurance system in order to circumvent the old-age insurance crisis. 人口老龄化与高龄化的挑战,使世界各国养老保险制度面临着财务危机,开始建立以公共养老金为基础、以企业年金和个人储蓄为补充的多支柱养老保险体系,以规避养老保险危机。
The establishment of a national old-age pension insurance companies to protect the healthy development of enterprise annuity. 设立国家养老金保险公司来保障企业年金的健康发展。
Since 1990, China has began to explore and establish the enterprise pension system, the development of enterprise annuity in the country has gone through the stages of exploration and research, pilot operation phase, system development, comprehensive promotion, revised regulations and vigorously promotion. 自1991年起,我国大力探索和推行企业年金制度,企业年金在国内的发展先后经历了探索研究阶段、试点运行阶段、制度建设及全面推广阶段和法规修订完善及大力推行阶段。
With the global economy developing, the improvement of healthcare has caused the aging population trend to grow; therefore research on the pension annuity has become increasingly important. 世界经济的发展、医疗水平的提高使得全球人口老龄化程度日益加深,因此对于企业年金的研究也变得越来越重要。
After that Sweden has formed a multi-pillar pension system including the public pension plan, the enterprise annuity plan and the personal retirement plan to meet the different need for the people. 之后,经过曲折发展,瑞典形成了一个由公共养老金计划、企业年金计划和私人养老计划三大部分组成的多支柱养老金体系,为瑞典人民提供了一个满足不同养老需求的养老金制度。
A reasonable mode of operation of the employer pension is the base of annuity businesses operating healthy. 一个合理的企业年金运作模式是企业年金得以健康运作的基础。
Trust-based occupational pension is the accumulation of pension funds, the beneficiary in order to account for the accumulation of retirement funds to purchase a commercial annuity pension payments manner, it will mean that business in the future of occupational pension annuity market will be promising. 信托型职业年金是基金积累型养老金,在受益人退休时以账户积累资金购买商业年金的方式给付养老金,这意味商业年金在未来的职业年金市场将大有可为。
In addition to the basic pension, enterprise annuity is a pension system. Under the guidance of national policy, it is established by enterprises according to their economic strength and economic conditions and aimed at improving employees 'retirement income and quality of life. 企业年金是在政府强制实施的基本养老保险制度之外,企业在国家政策的指导下,根据自身经济实力和经济状况所建立的养老保障制度,目的在于提高企业员工退休后的收入和生活质量。
Then explains the basic Taiping Pension Insurance Company annuity business background and an overview of the field. 随后解释了太平养老保险公司的基本背景以及企业年金业务领域进行了概述。